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Sharing Scripture — September 2, 2023

Husbands & Wives: Together at the Cross


For use: August 27 – September 2, 2023
Texts: Ephesians 5:21–33; Philippians 2:3, 4; Ezekiel 16:1–14; 2 Corinthians 11:1–4; Genesis 2:15–25


Carolyn Homer never imagined raising her son as 66 percent Catholic and 34 percent Latter-day Saint. Neither did her husband Brad. But after uniting in an interfaith marriage, faith-rearing their son became one of several complex issues the couple negotiates.

But it’s not as difficult to manage as one might expect.

“I want to be with someone’s who’s kind, worships Jesus, and who will have children who worship Jesus,” Carolyn explains on episode 297 of Mormon Land. “And that’s easy with a Catholic – to focus on kindness and Jesus Christ.”

With Jesus Christ as their focal point, the couple make things work by relying on the similarities they share within Christianity, and not so much by reverting back to the differences between their denomination-specific doctrines and sacraments.

And they feel that this is where God led them to be, despite the warnings of various Biblical scripture, such as the words of 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 which warn believers to not be unequally yoked with unbelievers (just look at the origin story of the Samaritans).

So are the Homers contradicting God’s command?

The water thickens.

1 Corinthians 7:12-16 seems to imply that their marriage is fine, especially as both partners are Christian.

Marriage is complicated. Marriage is symbolic. Marriage is sacred. Marriage is sacrificial love from both sides.

And in a fallen world, there is no perfect partner, but there are God-inspired grace and Christ-filled love.


For Reflection


Connecting: Consider 1 Corinthians 7:12-16 and 2 Corinthians 6:14-16. How can these instructions be reconciled?

Sharing: In general, is it better to live life in singleness?

  1. No, God made humans to thrive in companionship
  2. Yes, because then we have more time to focus on God rather than the concerns of the spouse
  3. No, marriage is the means by which we are called to procreate and avoid sexual immorality
  4. Yes, because in these days divorce is pretty much inevitable
  5. Maybe … Deep friendships can sometimes be just as emotionally fulfilling
  6. Other:

Applying: Reflect on God’s boundless love for fallen humanity, and then consider divorce. What encouraging counsel could you give a friend or family member going through a divorce? What could you say to a person who seems to be “stuck” in singleness? (Avoid the generic “God is preparing someone for you” and vice versa.)

Valuing: Identify several differences between the Biblical model of the family (and the parents’ role in it) versus our culture’s.

  • For singles: What insight do you gather from the evaluation? Consider changes that can be made within your family.
  • For the married: Where do you see any conflicts between your own marriage and the model in the Bible, and can they be rectified?


~ Stefani Leeper


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