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Sharing Scripture — May 26 – June 1, 2024

The Foundation of God’s Government


For use: May 26 – June 1, 2024
Texts: Revelation 14:6–12; Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14; Proverbs 28:9; Daniel 7:25

197 years after Ludwig van Beethoven’s death, two authenticated locks of his hair may finally hint at answers to his deafness, overall poor health and early demise.

Research originally published in the scientific journal Clinical Chemistry, and later summarized by Sarah Kuta for Smithsonian Magazine, reveals that the German composer may have consumed high levels of lead, mercury, and arsenic.

Kuta writes of the two hair samples, “One had 380 micrograms of lead per gram of hair, while the other had 258 micrograms. For reference, a normal level of lead in a gram of hair is around 4 micrograms or less. His hair also had 13 times the normal level of arsenic, and four times the normal level of mercury.”

These most recent findings build on previous research conducted on the hair to identify Beethoven’s genome. The DNA analysis ruled out some genetic contributors to his long list of illnesses, leading the researchers to believe that external factors may be at fault. Curious, they delved deeper to look for poisons.

Now, unravelling the composition of the musician’s hair leads the researchers to examine his diet, as well as possible external contamination to the hair samples.

As long as scientists continue probing Beethoven’s data, mysteries will continue cropping up. It’s the mystery that feeds itself.

Similarly, as we investigate Scripture, revealed truths lead to additional inquiries and study.

One of the biggest mysteries of Scripture is how Christ could become fully human (and fully divine), die on the cross on behalf of sinful humanity, and then resurrect from the dead.

By investigating Christ, we see that all of Scripture tells the story of redemption, including how Christ fulfilled the laws of God and decimated the earthly temple. This discovery, of course, leads us to reexamine the prophecies regarding the cleansing of the temple and Christ’s glorious return.

And when we study those prophesies, it becomes more clear that the temple being cleansed is in heaven. The heavenly temple contains the Ark of the Covenant (Revelation 11:19), and we know that the Ark of the Covenant contains the moral law – the Ten Commandments which reveal the character of God (Exodus 31:1840:20).

We can therefore reason that if the earthly sanctuary is a mirror of the heavenly one (Hebrews 8:5), the heavenly Ark must reside in the Holy of Holies of the heavenly temple. And that means that the heavenly Ark must also contain the moral law.

Most Protestants will agree with this deduction and try to uphold the moral law. Unfortunately, the Sabbath commandment is often outright rejected or left by the wayside, its true significance a mystery only understood by a remnant of God’s children.

As time wears on and studies delve further into the said mystery, more and more individuals will come to recognize the seventh day of the week as the true Sabbath. Satan will try to convolute this truth by adding to the mystery, by putting forward distractions and, eventually, by executing great power.

God’s children will be forced to accept or reject the Sabbath, thereby accepting or rejecting God’s moral code.

For Reflection


Connecting: When it comes to Holy Scripture, when could it be beneficial to not know or understand everything?

Sharing: What do you appreciate the most about God’s moral law?

  1. It’s a reflection of God’s character
  2. It’s a code for how we should treat others
  3. It’s immutable
  4. The Sabbath
  5. Actually, I struggle with the Ten Commandments
  6. Other

Applying: Some Christians believe they are no longer obligated to keep the Ten Commandments. Consider that the moral law is held in the Ark of the Covenant in the Heavenly Sanctuary, and refer to 1 John 5:1-3. Brainstorm how you can explain the truth to someone who believes the Commandments are defunct.

Valuing: Do you ever feel like Sabbath gets in the way of your plans? How does acknowledging that the Sabbath command is upheld in the heavenly realm help you?

~ Stefani Leeper

Your Center for Creative Ministry Team

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